In the year since her life was torn apart, Kit Colbana has
slowly rebuilt herself. There’s a promise of hope in the relationship with the
alpha of the local shapeshifters and she no longer comes screaming into
wakefulness. Life’s not perfect but then again, when was it ever?
(No ano desde que sua vida se despedaçou, Kit
Colbana vagarosamente se reconstruiu. Há a promessa de esperança no
relacionamento com o alfa dos shapshifters local e ela não acorda mais gritando.
A vida não é perfeita, mas também, quando foi?)
When her best friend Justin comes to her for help, there’s
little question as to what her answer will be. Witches are disappearing and
Justin won’t rest until he has answers. Soon, they learn that it’s not just
witches who’ve gone missing, but vampires and shifters, too.
(Quando seu melhor amigo Justin vem pedir sua
ajuda, há pouca dúvida sobre qual será sua resposta. Bruxas estão desaparecendo
e Justin não descansará até conseguir respostas. Logo, eles descobrem que não
são só as bruxas que estão sumindo, mas vampiros e shifters
Unlikely alliances are forged as Kit and Justin found
themselves drawn into a twisted web of lies and betrayal. As the clock counts
down and the culprit behind recent disappearances is revealed, those Kit loves
the most become the target of somebody who will kill to protect an ugly
(Alianças improváveis são forjadas enquanto
Kit e Justin se veem atraídos à uma teia de mentiras e traições. Conforme o
relógio vai girando e o culpado atrás dos recentes desaparecimentos é revelado,
aqueles que Kit mais ama se tornam o alvo de alguém que matará para proteger um
terrível segredo.)
About JC:
J.C. Daniels is the alter ego of author Shiloh Walker and was created basically
because Shiloh writes like a hyperactive bunny and an intervention was
necessary. J.C. is the intervention. The name… J.C. Daniels is a play off of
the three people who pretty much run Shiloh’s life.
(J.C. Daniels é alter ego da autora Shiloh
Walker e foi criada basicamente porque Shiloh escreve como um coelho hiperativo
e uma intervenção era necessária. J.C. é a intervenção. O nome... J.C. Daniels é
um jogo com as três pessoas que regem a vida de Shiloh.)
Professional Bio
J.C./Shiloh Walker has been writing since she was a kid. She
fell in love with vampires with the book Bunnicula and has worked her way up to
the more…ah…serious works of fiction. She loves reading and writing just about
every kind of romance. Once upon a time she worked as a nurse, but now she
writes full time and lives with her family in the Midwest. She writes urban
fantasy, romantic suspense and paranormal romance, among other things.
(J.C / Shiloh Walker vem escrevendo desde que
era criança. Se apaixonou pelos vampiros com o livro Bannicula e vem trabalhando
seu caminho para mais ... ah... sérios trabalhos de ficção. Ela ama ler e
escrever todo tipo de romance. Uma vez ela trabalhou como enfermeira, mas agora
ela escreve o tempo todo e vive com sua família no Midwest. Ela escreve urban
fantasy, suspense romântico e romance sobrenatural, entre outras
One of the things I love the most about writing the Kit Colbana
books—other than the fact that writing Kit is just plain fun—is all the fun side
There’s Damon, who is not the typical romance hero. He’s
a fricking ass sometimes and frankly, although I’d throttle him in real life,
it’s fun to write somebody who is that different from my typical characters.
There’s Colleen, who a few years older than Kit and like her
big older sister—I never had an older sister. Well, I didn’t have sisters at
all, but if I did, I’d want a sister like Colleen. She seems much older than
Kit, but she’s not. Colleen is roughly my age—thirty-eight. She had a baby when
she was and lost that child, which is going to add to her maturity, plus, she’s
also a healer, another thing that will make her seem more nurturing. All of
these things make it easy for her to be whatever it is Kit needs her to be—and
sometimes, that requires her to be suck it up and get her act together.
There’s Doyle…okay, I love Doyle. If Colleen is like a sister,
then Doyle is like the annoying younger brother she didn’t know she wanted. She
protective of him, even though the kid is strong enough to tear phonebooks apart
with his bare hands. He’s equally protective of her and the two of them learn
from each other all the time.
There’s Justin. And if I had to pick a favorite, it’s him.
Aside from Kit.
Because he’s a total smart-ass. The poor guy. He’s shit-faced
in love with Kit, and he doesn’t have a chance with her, not anymore. But he’s
still determined to be there for her and he’s determine see things through…and
he’s determined to annoy Damon, come hell or high water. I gotta admire
If you’ve read the books, which secondary character is your
Uma das coisas que mais gosto quando escrevo os livros de Kit Colbana – além do fato de que escrever sobre Kit é sempre divertido – são os personagens secundários divetidos.
Tem Damon, que não é o típico herói de romance. Ele é um pé no saco às vezes e francamente, apesar de eu o socaria na vida real, é divertido escrever alguém tão diferente dos meus típicos personagens.
Há Coleen, que é alguns anos mais velha que Kit e como uma irmã mais velha – eu nunca tive uma irmã mais velha. Bom eu não tenho irmãs, mas se tivesse queria uma como Coleen. Ela parece muito mais velha do que Kit, mas não é. Coleen tem mais ou menos minha idade – 38. Ela teve um filho e perdeu a criança, o que trouxe maturidade, além disso é uma curandeira, algo que a faz mais carinhosa. Todas essas coisas faz com que seja mais fácil para ela estar onde Kit precisa que ela esteja – e às vezes, isso faz com que ela aguente tudo e se mantenha firme.
Há Doyle... tá, eu amo o Doyle. Se Coleen é como uma irmã, então Doyle é o chato do caçulinha que ela não sabia que queria. Ela o protege apesar de o garoto conseguir rasgar uma lista telefônica com as mãos. Ele é igualmente protetor dela, e os dois aprendem um com o outro o tempo todo.
Tem o Justin. E se eu tivesse que nomear um favorito seria ele. Fora a Kit.
Porque ele é um espertalhão. Pobrezinho. Ele é totalmente apaixonado por Kit e não tem chance alguma com ela, não mais. Mas ele está determinado a estar lá por ela, e determinado a ajudá-la.... e está determinado a perturbar Damon custe o que custar. Tenho de admirar isso.
Se você já leu os livros, qual é seu personagem secundário favorito?]
Read on for an excerpt and a chance to win either a Kindle Fire
or a tea set and some of the loose leaf tea that Kit would drink…if she was
real. ;)
Shiloh Walker/J.C. Daniels
I looked at the clock. I’d gotten three of the five hours I needed in order to recover from the job from hell.“Have you been in town long?” I asked conversationally.“Yep. Got back two days ago.”Justin’s been in and out of the area for the past few months. We work together when he’s here—sometimes—but he’s been gone a lot. I think he’s searching down leads and info on the hospital—a.k.a. prison—where he’d once been told he’d go if he didn’t be a good little soldier and fight the good fight.It’s not much of a hospital.It’s the human version of the roach motel for us—we go in; we don’t come out.I’d ask him later if he’d learned anything. He’d beat around the bush. We had a rhythm. But for now… Shoving my hair back, I pinned him with a direct look. “Have you paid any attention to the media lately?”“Yeah.” He twisted his dreads back into a long, heavy knot, leaving his too-pretty face unframed. “Some sick schmuck was actually acting out some of those old horror movies. Been at it for years, sounds like. He’s done…son of a bitch.” He planted his hands on his hips and stared at me. “That was you.”I gave him a tight smile. “I haven’t slept in three days.”“How did you do it?”“Nova.” I shrugged. “He knew who the guy had picked out for this year and he called me.”Nova was a psychic—and psychotic with it. I’d once accepted a job to kill him, only to discover the guy who needed to die was the one who’d ordered the hit on him. So that’s what I’d done. Assassin isn’t one of the jobs I advertise, but I can, and have, killed.The man I’d killed last night was a man who’d needed to die in the worst way.He was also human, so if I was ever discovered, I had a one-way ticket to the chopping block—any NH discovered to have murdered a human gets the guillotine, assuming the non-human community doesn’t deal with the offender on their own. Losing the head is the surest way to kill any NH—and it’s bloody and spectacular. I think that’s why humans do it. We have teeth and claws and magic and they have giant silver blades.“He was human,” Justin said, echoing my thoughts.“Only on the outside.” I shrugged. “He was a monster, through and through.” Smiling thinly, I added, “The media is hailing his suicide as an act of cowardice. No doubt the victim who’d somehow escaped would have been able to identify him.”“She says an angel saved her.” Justin’s eyes gleamed now. “You got wings I can’t see, Kit?”I flipped him off.
Read more…
Haven’t read the Colbana Files? You can check books 1-3, now
available in a boxed set.
Enter to win one of two prizes by J.C. Daniels. A Kindle Fire
or a tea set—including a mix of Kit’s favorite tea, as well as download
of books 1-3. Enter via the widget below. Be sure to check back and see if
you’ve won and check out the rest of the participating blogs!
Entre para ganhar um dos dois prêmios de J.C. Daniels. Um Kindle Fire ou um conjunto de chá – incluindo uma mistura de chás favoritos da Kit, bem como um download dos livros 1-3. Entre via o widget abaixo. Certifique-se de voltar e ver se você ganhou em um dos blogs participantes!]
**Two winners from the blog tour, in random order, will be drawn. In the event a non-US winner is drawn for the tea set, a GC of equal value will be substituted. Apologies, but customs can be evil.
[**** Dois vencedores do Blog Tour, sem ordem definida, serão sorteados. Na possibilidade de um ganhador que não morar nos Estados Unidos ser sorteado, o prêmio será substituído por um Cartão de Presente de igual valor. Desculpe, mas a alfândega pode ser má.]
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